Memphis Daily Appeal, CS
On the authority of a Mr. Cole, one of the guard which escorted the last importation of jayhawkers from Izard county to Little Rock, the State Journal states, Mr. Edmondson, member of the Legislature, was shot in self-defense by one of the truest southern men that lives in Dixie, under the following circumstances:
Mr. Edmondson has been suspicioned of sympathizing too much with the jayhawkers; and that a detachment of the vigilance committee was detailed to bring Mr. Edmondson before the committee for trial; that Mr. Edmondson not only refused to be arrested, but attempted to kill some of the guard sent after him, and that in the act of shooting a double-barrel gun at the party sent to arrest him, Mr. Gilchrist, one of the party, promptly shot him down.
The Journal adds: “Mr. Edmondson was esteemed a bad man, and too much of a sympathizer with Yankee despotism to live in this country. It would be well if more of his sort were served in the same way.”
It is estimated that the debts due to northern creditors in Little Rock amount to $150,000, of which not one-fifth, the Journal states, has been reported to the receiver under the sequestration act.
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