Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jacobins in Boston

The (Richmond) Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1862. 
The Satanic Jacobin clubs at work to Overthrow the Government.
Under the above caption the New York Herald, of the 9th inst., has a scathing editorial, from which we make the following extract:
We learn from the Boston Liberator that a meeting was held in Massachusetts of a Jacobin revolutionary club to "supersede" the President, as was recommended in the beginning of the war by the "Little Villain" of the New York Times, and he has been openly threatened by the Tribune and other Abolition journals frequently since. The Government has been also warned publicly by audacious demagogues in Congress and by itinerant lecturers that it stands upon a precipice, liable to be dashed to pieces at any moment unless it will yield to their fanatical one idea. Intimations of an equally menacing nature have been made in secret to the President and his Cabinet by the leaders of the Jacobin clubs. The object of these threats is to intimidate the President into a compliance with their infamous demands.
One portion of the agencies used by the clubs is the manufacture of public opinion by means of lectures in favor of their revolutionary views, and instilling them among the generals and subordinate officers of the army, in order to corrupt their minds, and render them disloyal to the government and the constitution. Washington has been specially selected for the purpose, and the Smithsonian Institute is prostituted to the treason. Already Brownson, Channing, Sumner, and Greeley have lectured, and the next, is to be Cheever, then Beecher, Curtis, and Wendell Phillips. Such are the dyed-in-the-wool abolition propagandists who, at the very seat of government, are tainting the army and its officers with their revolutionary ideas.

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